2nd Annual Arrow Catcher Memorial Retreat

Our 2nd Annual Arrow Catcher Memorial Retreat is taking place the weekend of October 4, 5, and 6 in Reedsport on the beautiful Oregon Coast! We would love to have you come and honor a great man, our founder, Jim Mather Hanshi, and enjoy special training from some of the biggest names in the Budo Community!

Last year was such a huge success! The sharing of Budo in an environment where all the ego’s were left behind, great training took place, great meals shared, conversations, new lifelong friends made, and so much more. It was a memorable experience that changed the course of the USNKA for this next chapter in our growth and development in honor of a great man who was a Titan of Budo.

We are finalizing a great block of rooms at the Best Western Inn, in Reedsport Oregon for a special event pricing, and although discounts can’t be used together, there are a number of other discounts they have available for Veterans, AAA members and more. There are a number of Air BNB’s in the area for those groups that want to share a house together for the weekend and keep the costs low. Flights come into either Eugene Oregon, or North Bend Oregon. We’ll be holding a Memorial Dinner on Saturday night in Hanshi’s honor, and so much more. We’re really looking forward to seeing old friends and forging new friendships. This is a tremendous gathering to set the foundation for the next chapter in the USNKA!

Keep checking back here and watching your email for updates and information as it develops, and we’re looking forward to seeing you HERE in October!



I’ve spoken to the Owner of the Best Western here in town, and she’s given us a special rate for rooms. Their normal rate for Single King, or Double Queen rooms, is $189.00 but for the Arrow Catcher, she’s given us a special rate of $134.99 per night, for either a single king, or Double Queen rooms. This is great news for many reasons of course. She understands we’re trying to build a relationship with them to bring people back year after year, and of course having the option of Double Queen rooms, helps to allow people to double up and make their rooms even more affordable for the event.

If you’ve already booked your room, not to worry, she is going to make sure that all guests get that special room rate. If you’ve already booked, please let me know and I’ll arrange you to get the special pricing adjusted to your reservation. If you do call the front desk to make your reservation, please mention that it’s for the Arrow Catcher Event.. and they’ll apply the correct rate. 

Here’s the info on the hotel via their link online:


If you have ANY questions, please email me directly at: [email protected] and I will do my best to answer the questions, solve the issues, and get you all dialed in for a great weekend of Traditional Karate on the Oregon Coast!

Now get those registrations filled out and submitted!


Time Event Instructor
17:00 – 18:30

Dojo Wide Class for Wa Bu Do Academy – All Event Participants Welcome to join

Adam Christopher Fox
18:45 – 21:00

Meet and Greet at Sol De Mexico Restaurant



Time Event Instructor
08:00 – 08:30 Final Registration
08:30 – 09:00 Bow in / Opening Remarks Adam Christopher Fox
09:00 – 09:30 Warm up / Stretch Erika Evans
09:30 – 11:00

Unitary movement , Hip rotation , Gekki sai ichi , Renzuko

Eric Jefferson
11:15 – 12:45

Advanced Sidestep/Stance-Timing/Footwork Techniques

Craig Johnson
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch – Food truck will be on site and selections from the immediate area
14:30 – 16:00

Integrating Karate, Judo, Ju Jitsu

Pat Hickey
16:30 – 18:00

Introduction to the Jo/Hanbo – FIRST BEACH LOCATION

Adam Christopher Fox
18:00 End of Day One


Time Event Instructor
08:00 – 08:10 Bow in / Opening Remarks Adam Christopher Fox
08:10 – 08:30 Warm up / Stretch Erika Evans
08:30 – 10:00 Hangetsu Gemma Dawson
10:15 – 11:45

Kumite Kihon

Dean Askansas

Closing Remarks, Thank You’s, Presentation of event Certificates and Honorariums, END OF EVENT

Adam Christopher Fox

2nd Annual Arrow Catcher Memorial Retreat